My favourite deep-sky objects are double stars, especially Beta Orionis (Rigel), because it was the first double star I could split up after buying my first serious telescope.
There are several favorites, but the best is being able to split the double-double epsilon-lyra at the lowest power possible. My memory is foggy, but I think I’ve split them at 60X.
I’m up in the Kingman area . About 40 miles east of town up on the Colorado plateau .
I always love to look at the Orion Nebula. It is fascinating whether using naked eye, binoculars or telescope.
I also like to look at M44 the Beehive cluster. My favorite open cluster in binoculars. It dances, twinkles and shines like a hive of bee’s in binoculars. Always fun to see.
Yeah those are so cool , I too love them (but I don’t have a pair of binoculars!). What about M45, pleaides?
The Andromeda Galaxy
You didn’t capture this, right?
I feel that it’s too bright, I don’t know, I just said.
Perseus double cluster. In binoculars, they are lovely. In my big scope, you have to use low power. Too high a power, and all you’re doing is counting how many stars you can resolve. I never use anything shorter than my 32mm eyepiece.
I’m with you love the Orion Nebula
The Whirlpool Galaxy.