Dave Eicher, Astronomy’s Editor here. Thanks for joining our exploration of the cosmos. Hey, do you have a favorite deep-sky object? Lots of people might say the Andromeda Galaxy, the Orion Nebula, the really bright stuff. And that’s OK. In the Southern Hemisphere, you might say the Magellanic Clouds or the Carina Nebula. Are there less obvious objects that attract your attention? Clusters, nebulae, galaxies, double stars, variable stars? Anything goes. Sound off!
If the sky is good , M33 and NGC7293 .
I liked M51, the 2 Leo triplets, and the pair M81 & M82. I don’t do any observing anymore.
l enjoy looking at the Pleiades through my 102mm Skywatcher Startravel. lt was my cheapest scope at £40 and gives me the best view in my opinion.
I like galaxy ESO 510-G13
The Ring Nebula - M57.
I like Pleiades, Betelgeuse and Saturn.
with my Nikon 10x50 binos.
NGC 891 is always high on my list.
All kinds of double stars!
A sentimental favorite is M-57, because it’s the first DSO I ever saw through my first telescope. Another favorite is Stefan’s Quintet, because of the challenge just in finding it.
I have always liked 7 Sisters
T Coronae Borealis. Not really a favorite, just a current obsession.
Another favorite is h and chi Persei, otherwise known as the Double Cluster. In my first astrophysics course we were given an HR diagram and had to determine the age and approximate mass of it.
I also like M-35. In the same FOV is NGC-2158. The two clusters are very similar physically, but while M-35 is about 2970 light years distant,NGC-2158 is at 9000 light years. You get to see how two nearly identical clusters appear at different distances.
I have many, but I’ll never put the scope away without taking a peek at The Orion Nebula.
The first time I saw the reflection nebulosity surrounding the Pleiades I thought my eyepiece was dirty. I rotated it and even swapped out for another one before I realized what I was looking at.
Albireo and M13 are my preferences. Love both
What part of Arizona are you in ?
Tucson area, in the Catalina foothills.
one of my personal favorites (as well as my wallpaper) is Markarian’s Chain. my favorite chain of galaxies that surprisingly forms a face towards the end of it!
There are a couple of, but above all, I like M45, pleaides