Continuing the discussion from What’s your favorite deep-sky object?:
There are several favorites, but the best is being able to split the double-double epsilon-lyra at the lowest power possible. My memory is foggy, but I think I’ve split them at 60X
Summer Triangle. Particularly Altair.
I love to see Sirius and the pup star. I’ve tried with my 130p scope, but unfortunately I don’t have good eyepieces and also the weather hasn’t permitted me good observing times! I hope that I can get the pup!
I’ve seen the pup in an 8" LX90. The best part is I wasn’t looking for it. Just aligning my finderscope for a night of visual observing. The “pop!” the pup just popped up in the eyepiece, steadily shining very close to Sirius.
It sometimes takes a very relaxed “view” to see the pup.
I was using an Explore Scientific 20mm 100-degree eyepiece. That certainly helped!
Hi Andrew!
Nice to hear! Your scope is really good, and the lx90 is my favourite (really DREAM!) telescope, I really love meade cassegrains!