Post pictures of your scopes


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It’s an 8 inch tube. Did this almost 3 years ago, it’s down about 3 feet, full of concrete and has been very solid, and thankfully it has remained level.

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Wow ! Looks bigger than that . My perception is farther off than I thought . I guess I’m not as big as I thought I was too .

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I have an interesting story. In my experience most professional astronomers do not own their own telescopes. One time I asked a colleague from the University of Colorado and he said his wife gave him a 4.25” reflector for Christmas. She couldn’t understand why a professional astronomer didn’t own a telescope, so she bought one for him.


My Meade 14" ACF on Explore Scientific Losmandy G-11. Great for Planetary imaging.


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Does the mount handle that OTA well enough?

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Currently using Celestron Origin.

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Is that an Astrozap eyepiece tray there ?

That is actually an AVT-Astro Losmandy G11 Telescope Eyepiece Tray. It is a perfect fit for that Mount. I found it on Amazon!

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The mount can handle the OTA, but I would feel more comfortable with the “Titan” mount as it is the next step up for Losmandy. I can always upgrade, but I switch OTA’s a lot, and today have a 102ED and a 80ED side-by-side.

It is a very versatile mount.


That’s good to know. I’m looking for a mount for my 6” f/12 refractor. This is one if the mounts I was looking at, along with maybe a used AP900.

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The Losmandy G-11 Mount and Heavy Duty Tripod are fantastic! The tripod legs are so thick, firm and heavy that they are like a solid rock. For doing visual observing, I routinely “climb” all over the legs and there is no movement. Completely steady and firm. I can kick the tripod legs and nothing happens. Losmandy calls it a “Heavy Duty Tripod” and it literally is just that! I never need another tripod or mount. Only if I decide to get into even heavier telescopes (and then I can just upgrade to the Losmandy G-11T Titan Mount. Really a fantastic product.


One of the coolest features of my Celestron Origin is the LED ring on the back of the RASA tube. This ring tells me when Origin is acquiring the target, indicates when there is a problem, which shows up as a message in the app on my smartphone, and is useful for knowing which way Origin is pointing, particularly important when Origin is running on line power so I can avoid the power cable wrapping around the tripod, ruining the capture and possibly damaging the power cable and/or connectors.
