It’s an 8 inch tube. Did this almost 3 years ago, it’s down about 3 feet, full of concrete and has been very solid, and thankfully it has remained level.
Wow ! Looks bigger than that . My perception is farther off than I thought . I guess I’m not as big as I thought I was too .
I have an interesting story. In my experience most professional astronomers do not own their own telescopes. One time I asked a colleague from the University of Colorado and he said his wife gave him a 4.25” reflector for Christmas. She couldn’t understand why a professional astronomer didn’t own a telescope, so she bought one for him.
Does the mount handle that OTA well enough?
Is that an Astrozap eyepiece tray there ?
That is actually an AVT-Astro Losmandy G11 Telescope Eyepiece Tray. It is a perfect fit for that Mount. I found it on Amazon!
The mount can handle the OTA, but I would feel more comfortable with the “Titan” mount as it is the next step up for Losmandy. I can always upgrade, but I switch OTA’s a lot, and today have a 102ED and a 80ED side-by-side.
It is a very versatile mount.
That’s good to know. I’m looking for a mount for my 6” f/12 refractor. This is one if the mounts I was looking at, along with maybe a used AP900.
The Losmandy G-11 Mount and Heavy Duty Tripod are fantastic! The tripod legs are so thick, firm and heavy that they are like a solid rock. For doing visual observing, I routinely “climb” all over the legs and there is no movement. Completely steady and firm. I can kick the tripod legs and nothing happens. Losmandy calls it a “Heavy Duty Tripod” and it literally is just that! I never need another tripod or mount. Only if I decide to get into even heavier telescopes (and then I can just upgrade to the Losmandy G-11T Titan Mount. Really a fantastic product.
Hi @DJones ,
Cool scope !!! It’s still new, just a year, right? I remembered how it was released in January last year, stargazing+astrophotography!
I love it