Your astronomy pictures?

Hi everyone,

I thought of opening a new thread to post the astronomy pictures taken. How was the time and the pics?, was it good?, was it bad?, what you saw?, etc.

To start, I’m uploading a photo I took yesterday evening with our GoPro. The time was good, and this camera was kept for around 35 minutes. Next time, I am hoping to get a picture with longer trails by holding for a longer time!

Once again, how was your time?
Hoping the best for you! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Taken with my old flip phone back in 2007 and hand held at the eyepiece .

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Horsehead and Flame Nebula, taken a couple weeks ago. One hundred 30 second exposures, and it was COLD!!!


18 years ago!

What scope you used?


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Nice picture!

The bright red and blue colours make it cool! :sunglasses:


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Meade AR5 . Can’t recall for sure but probably the Meade 26mm Super Plossl .

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This was in the beach one evening last year.


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hi i am a relative newbie and enjoy looking at the pics I like astro photography and am learning techniques with photoshop.My main scope that I use the most is Dwarflab11 and I also have a Celestron se6 attached is a pic fom the dwarf11


I don’t know much about astrophotography because I haven’t done it a lot. Anyhow, according to my knowledge, your picture is really good :+1:


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thanks for the encouragement I think your photo is cool :+1:


Here is one of my first photos of Saturn. Never thought I could do it! But with all the youtube training videos out there, you can cut the learning curve, and follow someone else’s tutorial, and get good results.

Saturn - Meade 14"ACF - Baader 17mm + 2x Barlow - Canon DSLR - Aug 21 2021



This is one of my first photo’s of Jupiter. Using a Canon DSLR and Explore Scientific 152ED APO Refractor. 16mm eyepiece and 3x Barlow, July 27, 2021



Horsehead using my Celestron Origin connected to my Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra smartphone via wifi.

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Here is Messier 8 Lagoon Nebula from my Celestron Origin. This image was integrated for 49 minutes and sent to my Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra smartphone via Origin’s built-in wifi. This phone comes with nice photo editing tools, the main reason I bought it. One click on the enhance feature and the nebula comes to life like I’ve never seen before.

All of my images and star fields are available as downloadable pdf files on my website (see link below). Sagittarius has not been added yet but will be soon.


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northern lights in ohio
cellphone pic


Very nice! What is your latitude in Ohio?

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close to dayton


Within one minute, the Andromeda Galaxy Messier 31 comes to life on my Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra smartphone as my Celestron Origin sends the stacked images via its wifi. For this particular capture, I let Origin run for a little over 2 hours while I had a nap.


With a total integration time of just over an hour and a half and exposure time of 10 seconds, Celestron Origin produced a wonderful image of NGC 1977 near the Orion Nebula M42. I captured this nebula on January 17, 2025 at my sheep farm in Kempt Shore, Nova Scotia, Canada, latitude 45°N. The sky was partly cloudy, temperature -6°C, with a waning gibbous moon (86%).
