I thought of opening a new thread to post the astronomy pictures taken. How was the time and the pics?, was it good?, was it bad?, what you saw?, etc.
To start, I’m uploading a photo I took yesterday evening with our GoPro. The time was good, and this camera was kept for around 35 minutes. Next time, I am hoping to get a picture with longer trails by holding for a longer time!
hi i am a relative newbie and enjoy looking at the pics I like astro photography and am learning techniques with photoshop.My main scope that I use the most is Dwarflab11 and I also have a Celestron se6 attached is a pic fom the dwarf11
Here is one of my first photos of Saturn. Never thought I could do it! But with all the youtube training videos out there, you can cut the learning curve, and follow someone else’s tutorial, and get good results.