Welcome to Our New Forum from the Editor-in-Chief

Welcome! We are excited to be launching the new Astronomy Magazine Forum, and we encourage all those who are excited and motivated by our common interest in the cosmos to contribute. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on all aspects of the science and hobby. Let us know who you are, something about your interest, your equipment, how often you observe, whether you’re a planetary or deep-sky person (or both!), and anything else you’d like to sound off on. We welcome your comments and participation! Cheers, Dave Eicher


I am so exciteted by the news of this mew forum, all of us thirsty for space news, Ideas🥳


Thanks Dave.
Great to have this forum available.


Great idea. Hope to see many great things here


I hope it takes off nice to have a different forum other then cloudy nights


I’m glad to find this forum. I’m a long time subscriber. I’m actually a retired astronomer/physicist, having worked 22 years with NASA. I have three telescopes, a 6” f/8 Cave, 10” f/5 Parks and a 6” f/12 D&G refractor. I concentrate mostly on nebulae and galaxies, but do planetary. I’d like to devote the refractor to just solar observing, if I get around to that. I’m more interested in visual observing than I am in imaging. Anyway, I’m glad to be here.


Great to have a forum like this. I’ve been an Astronomy subscriber since 1981. Thanks to all who got this up and running.


It’s good to see this came back . It’s been gone for what ? 15 years maybe ? It was disappointing when it went away .

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Great Idea @DEicher . Nice to have Astronomy sponsor this forum!

:slight_smile: :star:


is there any way we can block the ad post’s


I’m not getting any ads …

there gone now there were some threads started that were adds for various things. but I see that they have been removed

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Yeah , there were some spam threads . I made fun of them and reported them as spam so the admins or mods removed them .
I thought you were referring to those annoying pop up ads .

How can I change my profile photo?

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Delighted to participate in this forum. I am a retired physicist and longtime amateur astronomer, since Grade 9 in high school (1969). I live in Kempt Shore, Nova Scotia, Canada at latitude 45°N on the Bay of Fundy. We have a sheep farm out in the country where clear nights are typically Bortle 2-3.

I purchased a Celestron Origin for its high speed, crisp images, dew control, and operational simplicity. I am using Origin to search the skies for anomalies that may turn into discoveries. I have captured over a few hundred star fields since acquiring it in July 2024.

Looking forward to reading your posts and sharing my work.
