These are rare photos in the 1929 Encyclopaedia Brittanica. These are 96 years old for now and goodies from the past!
These are rare photos in the 1929 Encyclopaedia Brittanica. These are 96 years old for now and goodies from the past!
those are so cool
I love ventage astronomy stuff
Love these pics - it is amazing how far we have come in a century. When my grandmother was young, transport in her village involved either walking or horses, but she lived to see a man walk on the moon!
Absolutely cool! These will be even more important in the future.
Happy to hear your grandmother was lucky to see N. Armstrong walked on the moon. And I saw, you own a hundred year old refractor, that’s really nice . 100 is a lot old, because still Galileo’s one is only about 400 years old.
great pics and info
Thanks @beagle1!
Those are some pretty cool archives .
Thanks @Starrancher !
Almost a century old! Love them!
Did you notice, galaxies are named as NEBULAE! Andromeda NEBULA!
This is just 6 years after Edwin Hubble told there are separate galaxies beyond us by finding cephid variables in the Andromeda Galaxy. Maybe, not globally accepted back then.
Optical equipment has come a long way . Even Chinese optics have become really good over the years .
Yeah, even I have a Skywatcher. Now most things are made in china.
Yes sir . The optics in my AR5 are Chinese too . But the optics in my SN8 were made in Irvine California .