What kind of guidance are you seeking at this point ? Do you need recommendations for purchasing equipment ?
Firstly, I am looking to gain some knowledge about space through books that include mathematics but are also engaging. Can you recommend a book suitable for teens?
I don’t know if this would be what you’re looking for but these two books I highly recommend for somebody that’s looking to get started into the telescope hobby . Lots of info on scopes and related equipment along with star charts and information about various night sky objects . If you’re looking for stuff more along the lines of astrophysics they wouldn’t be for that really . For learning about space in general and the spacetime
type stuff , there’s a series of videos on dvd put out a few years back called “The Universe” put out by the history channel . That’s more along the lines of how planets were formed , what they’re are composed of etc . And deep space objects of various sorts and how they formed etc . Some episodes go into the space time and some physics etc . Very educational material . But like I said , might not be what you’re actually looking for . I’m not really into the astrophysics part so much as I am into just learning and knowing the night sky , learning the constellations etc and all about casual observing with telescopes and binoculars .
Yes, and also have the one called ‘Astrohopper’, thinking of making a thing to mount my tablet into the scope.
Yeah sure!
I’m in the university now, give me some time, I’ll send you some pics.
It’s all handmade, so don’t expect it to be nice .
they can be some of the best mods
A good equipment to catch any object.