How can I invite a new member

Hi everyone,

I want to invite my friend and I can’t find how can I invite. Can someone just clear it to me?

Thanks for every help in advance!
Have a great day!

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did you ever get an answer to this ?

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Hi Nikolai,

Go to your Profile and click on “Invites”.

That will give you another screen with a number of invites, and you just need to hit the “Edit” button…

Then fill out the form and send it. :slight_smile:



Thank you @Starrancher and @viramus :+1:
Yeah now it is visible for me, it wasn’t there till i reached, as i could remember, 190-200 cheers (member level). Before that i was wondering where it was? Now the ‘invite/rocket’ icon is on the left top.

Thanks again!

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Oh good ! Yes , you are somewhat limited in the beginning . You must earn trust from the hierarchy . :laughing:

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