What are upcoming astronomical events

Is there any event so i can join?

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Location ? You could search for local astronomy clubs . Most will have monthly star parties and meetings .

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Yeah, as @Starrancher asked, any location?

Or are you looking for some online? :thinking:

By looking at the user name, I guess most probably, the user is an Indian. I’m not aware about Indian events, but as told try reaching out to some clubs.


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Yes, I am from India


It’ll be helpful if you can reach some clubs as told.

If there’s any help you need from me, ask anytime :slightly_smiling_face:



How big is the astronomy hobby in India ?

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Not sure. But here in Sri Lanka, where I live, there are really a handful of astronomers. Some people here think that, astronomers are astrologers!

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:laughing::laughing::laughing: Yeah , same here . People don’t know the difference between astrology and astronomy . :rofl:

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