Reader Gallery · March 2025

Hi folks, trying something new here. As the magazine’s resident Photo Editor, one of my favorite parts of the job is looking at all of the incredible imagery you, our readers, submit. Of course, social media and Astrobin give us the ability to share and comment, which is a bit harder to do on the printed page. So for our next issue, I’m posting the titles and imagers of each of the upcoming photos featured in Reader Gallery. Once you’ve seen them in the magazine, feel free to weigh in with your thoughts here!

This month’s selections are:

  1. The Lion’s markings · David Gluchowski
  2. The billowing cosmos · Jeff Schilling
  3. Erupting at the Moon · Massimo Tamajo
  4. Ring of Fire · Vikas Chander
  5. Dust on dust · Lynn Hilborn

Congratulations to all the imagers!

For me, what was most striking about David’s image were the remarkable “rays” around the head of the Lion in the Hα and OIII channels, formed by the emission and overlying dust. There is one prominent band-like feature that is visible in many images, but I was amazed in David’s image to see an abundance of finer striations as well.

What did you think of this month’s gallery?


Thanks Dennis, good to hear. Will be interested to see your results!


I hope that @DJones will surely get some good pictures. He takes some really cool pictures with his cool scope :sunglasses:. Really love your pics! :+1:


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