About the Equipment category

Discuss all things related to astronomy gear! Whether you’re choosing your first telescope, upgrading your eyepieces, or troubleshooting your mount, this is the place to ask questions and share advice.

Talk about telescopes, binoculars, cameras, mounts, filters, and accessories to enhance your observing and astrophotography experience.

Equipment Guidelines

  • When asking for recommendations, specify your experience level, budget, and observing interests (e.g., planets, deep-sky objects, astrophotography).

  • When reviewing or comparing equipment, include details such as brand,
    model, specifications, and personal experiences with performance.

  • If troubleshooting gear, describe the issue clearly and list the equipment used, settings, and any attempted solutions.

  • Be mindful of subjective opinions—what works for one person may not work for another.

  • Avoid excessive brand bias or dismissing others’ preferences; constructive discussions help everyone make informed choices.

Beginners and experts alike are welcome to compare setups, exchange tips, and get recommendations.

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This is my Meade AR5 . It came packaged with the LXD 75 mount and tripod . First light views of Saturn were impressive as I immediately could easily make out the Cassini division in its ring structure that I couldn’t make out in my friends Celestron 6 inch Schmidt Cassegrain that he just purchased . Needless to say , I was a happy camper . Maybe it was the Meade Plossls vs his Celestron Plossls . In time , it did become apparent in side by side comparisons that the Mead Plossls had less kidney beaning , better eyecup placement and a nicer , darker background compared to the similarly priced Celestron Plossls .

And this is my Meade SN8 which also came packaged with the LXD75 mount and tripod . I bought this one two or three weeks after purchasing the AR5 . The refractor is a better planetary scope for the most part but the extra light grab of the 8 inch aperture really shines on the DSO’s